
How can I be certain that my funds are secure with Apus?
Apus prioritizes the safety of customer funds and operates in accordance with relevant laws and regulations by obtaining the necessary licenses and adhering to regulatory requirements in the jurisdictions where it operates. The measures taken by Apus to protect customer funds may vary depending on the regulatory requirements of each licensed entity.

  • When Apus holds your funds, rest assured that they are kept in a segregated customer account, separate from our own operational funds. This ensures that your funds remain unaffected by our internal activities, and our own funds are separate from customers’ funds.
  • Your funds are always maintained in a liquid state and not invested in bonds or fixed-term products. They are never used as collateral or security for any purpose.
  • Regular audits are conducted by both regulators and external auditors to ensure compliance and further safeguard your funds.

How does Apus ensure the security of my funds?
When you deposit funds with Apus, they are placed in a designated customer account that is distinct from Apus’ operational funds. When you authorize a transfer to a specified recipient, the funds are then moved from the customer account and sent to the intended recipient. To provide an additional layer of protection for your funds, if any portion or the entire amount of funds is not successfully delivered to the designated recipient by the end of the following business day, Apus will hold those funds in a customer account established with a credit institution.

What happens in the unlikely event that Apus or one of our partner banks encounters financial difficulties?
In the highly improbable scenario of Apus facing financial difficulties, your funds will still be safeguarded. The regulations in place ensure that in the event of insolvency, liquidation, or other financial challenges, liquidators, receivers, administrators, examiners, or creditors of Apus have no legal claim to the funds held in customer accounts. Therefore, even in such circumstances, your funds remain protected.